
Obesity and the Development of Cancer

I receive pertinent medical information from a dozen reliable sources. I wish to bring a recent dispatch from MD Anderson to your attention. MD Anderson, without a doubt, rates continuously as the best place to get cancer treatment in the world. I just received the following from them.

They say: “The link between obesity and cancer risk is clear. Research shows that excess body fat increases your risk for several cancers, including colorectal, post-menopausal breast, endometrial, esophageal, kidney and pancreatic cancers. (Actually, there are over a dozen cancers that are doubled to quadrupled in the obese).

Minding the B Vitamins

The first vitamin discovered was B1 – thiamine. In 1987, by Dutch physician Christian Eijkman while studying a peculiar disease in the Dutch West Indies – Beriberi.
B vitamins have a great deal to do with your metabolism and cell growth. B12 and B9 are frequently deficient in seniors.

Below is a list of the B vitamins – what they do for your body, the best food sources to make sure you get your Bs and how much you need per day

Vitamin B1 – (Thiamine) Helps the body convert carbohydrates and fat into energy