
The Immediate Health Benefits of Practicing a Religion

Religion offers a prodigious prearrangement for a better afterlife to some, but does it offer benefits to individuals now which exceeds the efforts of practicing their religion? Securing a mansion in the afterlife is highly desirable but how about right now? In a very large study, over 20,000 subjects, life satisfaction, character strengths, and orientation to happiness were stronger in those who actively practiced a religion.1 Furthermore, believing and having religious affiliations offered no benefit without practicing the religion actively.

Practicing a religion does not have to be limited to attending religious services. Daily private prayer has been shown to produce significant health benefits.2 Further, religious activity was shown to provide the most benefit if started before the onset of health problems.3

What to do About Aging Skin

If you are a person with red or purple blotches appearing on your forearms or other body parts as you grow older, you have actinic purpura. This is a medical condition that is reprehensive because of skin damage from aging and exposure to ultra-violet light when younger. It is now termed “Actinic Purpura” but use to be termed “Senile Purpura”. I can only suppose that some of the leaders in dermatology developed the condition and discarded the derogatory name.

Weighing in on the Subject of Weight: How Much is too Much

The weight management subject will require a series of missives to address. This, the first is when to recognize you have something that should weigh on you.

This subject may not be popular in the USA, especially in those more senior, but like taxes, it must be dealt with properly or the consequences can be catastrophic. Most people are in denial believing that weight gain just is inevitable in their senior years. NOT SO. My Grandparents and Mom were in rest homes and there were almost no residents that were obese.