Dr. Jim Dr. Jim

About Dr. Jim

I attended medical school at Tulane, did an internship in Philadelphia, served in the Navy assigned to the Marines, completed surgical fellowships at Mayo and Ochsner Clinics, residency at Tulane, and earned a PhD in cell biology. I was hired by Dr DeBakey in 1983 at Baylor College of Medicine during the golden age of cardiovascular surgery. I was swept along by history and did some sweeping myself. I have been to the puppet show and have creativity that has produced three medical books and hundreds of scientific and ethical publications. I am working on three non-fiction books: an apologia, a memoir, and a better health book.

Control Metabolism, Control Weight

Controlling metabolism is one of the best ways to control weight. The key measurement is the basal metabolic rate (BMR) (the amount of calories the body requires at rest). The BMR consumption varies most with the pounds of muscle the body has.

Muscle loss begins after age 25 and averages about 0.5% annually without extra efforts. For every 10 pounds of muscle lost 600 less calories are needed but our appetites do not correspondingly decrease.

Obesity and Cancer

In modern times when excesses are everywhere present, excessive gorging can overwhelm the subcutaneous storage spaces and result in our important organs becoming fat containers. The most obvious are abdominal organs with the essential organs liver and pancreas being the first to suffer.

Our bodies do not make more cells to store fat as more fat accumulates. The storage cells for fat enlarge.

You Are NEVER Too Old to Exercise

                A common excuse for not paying serious attention to wellbeing and adopting healthy behaviors is I am too old for changes to benefit me. This assumption is a […]