If you are a person with red or purple blotches appearing on your forearms or other body parts as you grow older, you have actinic purpura. This is a medical condition that is reprehensive because of skin damage from aging and exposure to ultra-violet light when younger. It is now termed “Actinic Purpura” but use to be termed “Senile Purpura”. I can only suppose that some of the leaders in dermatology developed the condition and discarded the derogatory name.
“Actinic Purpura” is a Latin phrase which literary means bleeding into the skin from damage incurred after exposure to the sun. About half of folks over retirement age have this problem. It is an eyesore but it is not a signal of danger to your overall health. It is, however, unsightly and it is helpful to resolve it, especially in the summer.
Changes as the skin ages include reduction of skin thickness and elasticity. There are 4 layers of skin microscopy. The outer layer is what is visible and is made up of dead and dying skin cells. Blood vessels are in the most inner layer. The protection of the outer layers is reduced as we mature. HA! People feel better about the substitution of the word mature for aging.
I have tried a number of ointments to regain youthful skin. Everyone wants to be mature but we wish our bodies “to be matures” antonym. Surprisingly, because so many have it, there are few scientific papers on the treatment of Actinic Purpura.
A new product containing retinol (an antiaging substance used to restore skin) and four other beneficial substances. The substance is named DerMend. It is available over the counter in grocery stores and pharmacies. Changes do not happen immediately. To get full benefits, apply twice daily for a month or even six weeks.