
The Mechanism of Aging

When aging results in appreciable decreases in what we consider to be our nominal level of functioning, losses become apparent and can cause the downheartedness of aging.  It is important to be realistic and realize what our bodies have done and what is happening to them. Also, what we must do to shore them up.

Aging with its physical and mental challenges is simply the end product of molecular changes in our bodies─ remember vigorously that aging is MOLECULAR! Our bodies produce aging molecules in several different ways.

The Incredible Brain

                  The human brain is composed of the most amazing stuff and is the most complex material in the universe. It is three pounds of near jello consistency […]

Lowering Sugar Intake

Our bodies build up a tolerance to sugar. As an article from M.D. Anderson states, we expect things to taste sweet. Cut back on sugar gradually. If you like sugar in your coffee, have you ever tried going without it? Did you like how it tasted? You probably found it too bitter. Instead of cutting all sugar and dramatically changing the way something tastes, gradually reduce it. Over time you won’t notice the change in taste as much and you’ll be more likely to successfully cut back on sugar.