Can Science Determine the Existence of God?








The existence of God is a perplexing question, to be sure. It comes about partially because we humans are material beings living in a material world, and we think in physical terms considering existence. Our dreams which are not real, exist in our nonmaterial or not-real world. Thus, real becomes synonymous with tangible.

The assessment process of God’s reality should start as the Bible proclaims, from its first sentence, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” This idea prevailed from the composing of Genesis at the time of Moses centuries before Christ until 1927 when amazingly, Georges Lemaitre, a Belgian Catholic Priest, introduced the Big Bang Theory, which was acknowledged as truth by science.

The immense “Big Bang” happening was, by definition, the most massive event ever possible in the material world. It has resulted in an entity of incalculable mass whose size by diameter is 15 with 22 zeros totaling miles. Science does not know the cause; therefore, it has no cause. This uncaused origin of everything is indeed paradoxical.

In addition, this most remarkable, causeless event is the only significant scientific discovery without a known cause. Thus, unbelievably science has concluded there is no reason it was created. I conclude the only possible explanation of creation would require an intelligent, omnipotent trigger such as God.

Life is by far the most significant complexity in the material world. Fossils show Life’s undisputed origin in Australian and Greenland rocks dating back over 3 billion years. These earliest microbes were formed from various available chemicals, acting on their own in the correct proportions and staying attached. At the same time, more were combined evermore, growing into the utmost complex substance. And it simply happened.

I have worked in biochemical labs producing various organic substances. The process must be done correctly using specific concentrations and temperatures with the right substrates. Next, the complete human genome of DNA requires several different chemicals composed of atoms totaling three billion sets to make the 46 chromosomes necessary for a human cell.

Adding to the intricacy, over 200 types of cells are necessary to compose a human body with separate functions to produce different tissues. As would seem obvious, there are distinct differences between the tissues, such as bone, skin, and brain. These many varieties form our bodies with an astonishing 30 trillion cells on average. These cells die and are replaced by a system providing renewal as needed over a lifetime.

We can believe these incredible happenings just came about aimlessly or there is a nonmaterial eternal Causal Force at work. Natural causation by nature comes about by generalities without seeking complex end results.

The concept of Evolution began in 1859 when Charles Darwin’s book “On the Origin of Species” was published. He presented evidence that humans evolved from ape ancestors, which skeletal evidence confirms. Biochemicals change very slowly over time with many replacements. Such newly altered DNAs could minutely alter the bodies they produce, alterations producing better survival would persist, and defective ones would disappear. What level of intelligence could design such a system? Only a God Like One.

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