Dr. Jim Dr. Jim

About Dr. Jim

I attended medical school at Tulane, did an internship in Philadelphia, served in the Navy assigned to the Marines, completed surgical fellowships at Mayo and Ochsner Clinics, residency at Tulane, and earned a PhD in cell biology. I was hired by Dr DeBakey in 1983 at Baylor College of Medicine during the golden age of cardiovascular surgery. I was swept along by history and did some sweeping myself. I have been to the puppet show and have creativity that has produced three medical books and hundreds of scientific and ethical publications. I am working on three non-fiction books: an apologia, a memoir, and a better health book.

Weighing in on the Subject of Weight: How Much is too Much

The weight management subject will require a series of missives to address. This, the first is when to recognize you have something that should weigh on you.

This subject may not be popular in the USA, especially in those more senior, but like taxes, it must be dealt with properly or the consequences can be catastrophic. Most people are in denial believing that weight gain just is inevitable in their senior years. NOT SO. My Grandparents and Mom were in rest homes and there were almost no residents that were obese.


Time Your Meals

What about the standard three meals a day which is entrenched into the present. In ancient times, there was often not even one meal a day depending largely on food availability. Romans ate one meal daily and considered consuming more meals gluttony. In western medieval times breakfast could not be eaten until morning mass was completed. Lunch showed up as “nuncheon”, an old Anglo-Saxon word which meant a quick snack. It was not regularly practiced until the 19th century.

The main meal of the day dinner became later and later as artificial lighting became available.

The Cost of Progress

Medical therapies are getting better as a natural progression of medical science continues. Various organ transplants costs over $500,000 and heart transplant will run you $750,000 but the real wow factor is seen in the Wall Street Journal –  Immunotherapy is the new kid on the block. It is being recognized as a wonder treatment after conventional therapies have nose-dived. The catch, and there always seems to be one, is that immunotherapy costs over a $1,000,000.